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Game Try and figure this thing out. [HINT: THE NAME IS IMPORTANT!] SmooveB

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#1 12-07-2003 @ 01:50:01 AM
Posted By: Obsidian Reply | Edit | Del
the rules state:

"If you succeed in working out the secret to the game you become a member of the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose. You must pledge to be a cruel and heartless wretch who will never divulge the secret of the game to anyone else. Only those that can work it out for themselves should know the secret of Petals Around the Rose.

I fiqured it out - but i wasted nearly an hour of my time when i could have been doing something more productive and worthwhile. When i got the answer - i was infuriated by they riducliousness of this game. Why some nerd thought this was some kind of clever joke is beyond me. As such - i feel i need to seek vengence upon the mathmatics community for insulting me - I have chosen to reveal the answer to everyone.

Roll and Look at each individual die. For the record - 1's - 2's - 4's - and 6's are useless - ignore them. Your concentraion is to focus on only the 3's and 5's.

Each 3 is counted as a 2.
Each 5 is counted as a 4.


1 1 6 6 2 - ingore everything - the answer is 0.


6 5 4 5 6 - both 5's are recognized as 4's. 4+4=8


1 2 3 4 5 - the 5 is recognized as a 4 and the 3 is recognized as a 2. 4+2=6


5 4 5 4 3 - both 5's are recognized as 4's and the 3 is recognized as a 2. 4+4+2=10

Get one right and you'll get a "YES" responce.
Get 6 right and you'll get "Correct again! We think you've probably got it."
Get 10 right and you'll get "Congratualtions! We have another Potentate of the Rose."

Not a very rewarding game and i advise everyone to expose the secret.

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