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Game A Strange Game Trooper

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#1 3-06-2005 @ 02:51:18 AM
Posted By: Biohazard Reply | Edit | Del
I'll be dammed if I can get this...

#2 3-06-2005 @ 08:21:48 AM
Posted By: DiRF Reply | Edit | Del
I beat it...damn that's a hard and fucked-up game.

#3 3-07-2005 @ 11:07:58 AM
Posted By: Driven_out Reply | Edit | Del

#4 3-07-2005 @ 03:45:01 PM
Posted By: DiRF Reply | Edit | Del
#3, **SPOILER**
1) Flip the red arrow to point right, open the left-most window. Pop the guy out of the manhole and aim the cannon up... fire to hit the bell, which opens the door. RIGHT AFTER the rock hits the bell, click on the double-sided arrow JUST when the rock lands on it, which should launch the rock onto the landmine, exploding it. You have to time it PERFECTLY, it's hard. Then, aim the cannon low, and knock the bridge into place.
2) Fire the two grenades at the bridge, BUT, click on the bridge to raise it to knock the grenades into the air so they explode without damaging anything. You have to time it right. Then, fire the last thing in the cannon low, so it goes into the cave, where the guy then inserts it into the door, raising the door. DO NOT CLICK ON THAT GUY YET.
3)Click on the open door (which opened when you hit the bell, assuming you had opened the window too) The guy will exit, go in the direction of the arrow (I hope you clicked the red arrow to have..

#5 3-07-2005 @ 03:48:29 PM
Posted By: DiRF Reply | Edit | Del
...to have it point RIGHT.) He'll go into his house and close the door, lighting the torch and the window above the cave...
4)Ok, here's the tricky part (as if the earlier parts weren't :P ) Click on the guy in the cave, he'll start walking towards that other door, but a weird dog-wheel thing will pop out of the ! box, land, and start charging at the guy... click on the lit window above the cave, which will open it. The guy inside will then slam the window shut, causing the rocks in the ceiling of the cave to fall down... you have to time it so that the rocks land on the dog-wheel thingy. Once you get rid of the dog-wheel thing, the guy automatically walks towards the open door on the right. ...and that's that.

#6 3-08-2005 @ 10:47:01 AM
Posted By: Driven_out Reply | Edit | Del
wow...thats interesting

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